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Gjesteinnlegg: Restaurants and small places to eat in Mallorca #1

Gjesteinnlegg: Restaurants and small places to eat in Mallorca #1

Skrevet av Marie


Gjesteinnlegg: Restaurants and small places to eat in Mallorca #1

Som du kanskje allerede har forstått fra tittelen på engelsk, så er dette innlegget ikke skrevet av noen av oss på "team Hideaways". Istedenfor er det skrevet av en av mine beste kolleger på Mallorca, og du kan derfor være helt sikker på at han vet hva han prater om, for han er født og oppvokst på en øy. Nedenfor får du et innblikk i hans anbefalinger og favorittsteder på den billedskjønne Middelhavsøya. Trivelig lesning og buen apetito, Marie

As a good Scandinavian friend described in another blog, for Mallorcan people, sitting at the table is not just an exercise to eat - it is an excuse to meet with your partner, your friends, your parents, your grandparents, the whole family. The meals are usually long, and we have long conversations over desserts and coffee - which often continues with another coffee, or a good glass of wine, or two.... or with a gin and tonic, or two...

The Mallorcan way of eating, is characterized by having a series of sanctuary places, where you usually go regularly to celebrate any event or just meeting up with friends. Normally we go to a specific restaurant because we like a certain dish in that restaurant. For us, each restaurant has it's star dish, which can be different for each person (it's a very personal choice).


Wining and dining..

A personal recommendation

The winery Bodega la Rambla in Palma City is located on C / Via Roma 6 (at the top of La Rambla de Palma, where the city's flower market is located). Being in the center of Palma means parking can be complicated, so my recommendation is to use the underground parking that is a few meters away.

The business was founded in 1940. It's had several owners, but since 1995 it's runed by Jero Perez. The winery has photos on the walls which show the entire history of the business. In the past, Bodega la Rambla, was located in the middle of La Rambla and Errol Flynn was a regular customer during his visits to Mallorca.

When you enter the premises you mustn't forget to look up at the roof, to spot the special decorations. Normally the place is full, and you have to wait to be seated - but I've never waited more than 20 minutes, and in the meanwhile you can always take the opportunity to ask for a beer or a glass of wine at the bar.

A personal recommendation: Ask for a variado and you get to taste typical Mallorcan tapas, but with the difference that they are all served in one dish. If you're curious, don't hesitate to ask the owner or the waiters about the origin of this curious dish.

More recommendations will follow - stay tuned!/Esteban

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6 restauranttips på Mallorca

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